MethSolutions is committed to limiting the spread of methamphetamine use in New Zealand homes.

We can achieve this goal is through close collaboration with Property Professionals like you.

By actively supporting real estate agents and property managers owners to test for meth and discourage its use together we will educating professionals and the public about how to become MethSafe.

Working together we can keep properties safe and people healthy.

MethSolutions works alongside trade professionals in three ways:

  1. We train your team
  2. We help you to educate your clients
  3. We enlist support from the community to meth test & educate

Train Your Team

The training gave us a broader understanding of the technical side and a logical way of dealing with it holistically. We learned how to spot warnings of the types of things we will come across and how to deal with them.James Bangerter, Harcourts

Our MethRisk Management programme trains property professionals. We give your whole team a comprehensive overview of the meth problem. We then teach your senior team and property managers in best practices for meth prevention and meth detection. You’ll walk away with our highly prized Template Documentation for your business workflows to manage any meth problem in properties you manage.

Educate Your Clients

With the newfound awareness, potential tenants are asking if it is a tested property. We listen to the ones that are saying ‘doing you know if this property is contaminated?’ or ‘do you know if this has had a test recently?’ Those are the tenants we want.Jacqui Sorensen, I-Rentals

Working with with property owners and tenants on a regular basis, you’re on the front line. You’re the best source of public training and awareness of meth risk. MethSolutions will give you resources to keep your clients informed without causing panic and anxiety. We have a simple explanatory leaflet that you are free to download and distribute.

If you are interested in co-branded leaflets, printed with your logo, please get in touch with us to discuss.

Join Our Team

Do you want to help us reduce the risks of meth in New Zealand? Have you had experience in the property market? We are recruiting responsible, courteous people around New Zealand to train as certified meth testers and trainers. Become a part of our growing community of meth prevention experts.

Learn about our next workshop dates