We continue our series of meth contamination case studies – all of these have been collected by MethSolutions’ staff while out on testing and sampling jobs.

Example 1 – Northland

Property rented for a week through an online booking website. Suspicion of untoward behaviour during period of the rental. Owners had the property Baseline meth tested. Property tested positive for meth at levels which indicated manufacturing related behaviour.

Owners engaged commercial cleaners with no records of follow up testing

Example 2 – Rodney District

Property rented for two weeks through an online booking website. Suspicion of untoward behaviour during period of the rental saw an impromptu inspection take place. Instead of a young couple with child, the owner’s representative came across a number of suspicious-looking characters.

The owner reported the matter to the Police. No action was taken during the following week due to a fear of finding no evidence and the owner’s property being damaged. Owners had the property Baseline meth tested. Property tested positive for meth at levels which indicated significant levels of manufacturing related behaviour.

Owners undertook self-cleaning of the property with no records of follow up testing.

Example 3 – Coromandel

Family owned property with suspicion of meth-related activity by a family member. Testing revealed significant levels of meth-related behaviour.

Owners engaged professional decontamination specialists.

Example 4 – Rotorua

Property rented through an online booking website. Suspicions of meth-related activity immediately after a let. Inability to address the possible costs saw the owners shut up the property for some years.

Baseline meth test confirmed meth present in the property at significant levels. Owners engaged professional decontamination specialists.