We are a Meth Risk Management Business helping home buyers, landlords, investors, property managers and real estate professionals to reduce the risk meth presents.
Our services cover 4 main areas:
- Meth Screening – Meth testing of property for purchase, management of property investment, vehicles and personal possessions
- Comprehensive Detailed Assessments – Detailed meth testing site investigation for known meth contamination; including detailed assessment for post cleaning/remedial works
- Training Course for MethRisk Management education – Minimising business meth risk exposure for Property Managers, Social Housing providers and Real Estate Professionals
- Training Course for Meth Screening Certification – A comprehensive training program designed to support people who want to provide screening assessment services that align with NZS8510:2017
Meth Testing Services
Not all meth testing is created equally and it’s the advice and support that we provide, that makes the difference in outcomes.
We offer these services
- Standard Screening Assessment [SSA] – Establish if methamphetamine is present
- Insights Testing – Establish the extent of the low level of contamination via discrete individual samples
- Lab Composite [LC] – Suspect and or/ establish the extent of the contamination via discrete individual samples with two stage analysis
- Proactive MethManagement – Regular testing between tenancies using the Standard Screening Assessment method of sampling
- Comprehensive Detailed Site Investigation [CSI] – Establish the extent and magnitude of the know contamination via discrete individual samples supported with a full report to quantify levels, building layout and materials for cleaning and remediation of property. Normal requirement for insurance claims and specialist decontamination companies.
- MethMinder – 24/7 monitoring for chemicals used to manufacture methamphetamine
Which Meth Test is Right For Me?
To help you choose the right test for your situation, which statement best describes you?
- I need to know if the property is habitable and complies with Standard NZS8510 Standard Screening Assessment [SSA]
- The initial screening test returned a low positive reading and I want to understand how many rooms are contaminated and the level of residue in each room Insights
- The initial screening test returned a high positive reading and I need to establish the extent of the contamination for insurance purposes Comprehensive Detailed Assessment
- I want to set up a process that allows me to hold tenants accountable for damage caused by methamphetamine contamination MethManagement
- I’m selling my property and I’ve never tested it before Standard Screening Assessment [SSA]
- Our company vehicles need to be tested for compliance under Standard NZS8510 Standard Screening Assessment [SSA]
- We want to be sure our workplace complies with Standard NZS8510 Standard Screening Assessment [SSA]
- I want to protect my rental properties from the risk of meth manufacture MethMinder
- My tenant admitted to using methamphetamine in the property Lab Composite [LC]
- I require detailed sampling to establish the extent of the contamination with a full Remediation Action Plan Comprehensive Detailed Assessment
MethSolutions Training Courses
New Zealand’s fascination with methamphetamine or P shows no signs of going away in a hurry! Meth use and manufacture has been a reality in New Zealand for over 15 years. It has left behind a toxic legacy that creates risk for anybody involved with property. With increasing risk and liability being targeted on owners of property management and real estate companies, understanding the challenges this can produce for a business is essential.
Understanding the issues around meth contamination, flushing out potential problems and being clear on how to effectively manage meth related scenarios when they arise, are key to minimising the risk exposure of your business, staff and clients.
Training in MethRisk Management teaches your team how to exercise greater control over MethRisk. Our programme consists of the following learning modules that we tailor for your business requirements. Further modules can be added as required.
- MethRisk Awareness – suitable for all representatives in the property industry
- Policies and Procedures – for property management
- Tenant Risk Management – for property management
The MethSolutions MethRisk Management course, has been developed in conjunction with industry professionals. Built on the back of more than 10 years’ experience in the MethRisk Management industry, it allows businesses to take as many practicable steps as they feel are necessary to protect their business interests.
Training Course for Meth Screening Certification
Looking to obtain the NZQA 30892, 30893 and 30894 certification for meth screening?
MethSolutions has developed a comprehensive training program designed to support people who want to provide screening assessment services that align with NZS8510:2017. All our trainers are Careerforce accredited assessors.